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Mandyam Srinivasan: Bee research papers into question despite having an award in 2009 – AGRI Grovestudies

Two biologists have called 10 of Srinivasan’s bee research papers into question despite him receiving an award from IISc in 2009.

Given the importance of the waggle dance in understanding bee behaviour and ecology, any potential flaws or misconduct in this research could have significant implications for the scientific community’s understanding of pollination and bee communication.

The honeybee waggle dance is a sophisticated form of communication that honeybees use to relay information about the location of resources like flower patches rich in nectar or pollen. This dance is critical for the efficiency of foraging and, by extension, plays a significant role in pollination.

The waggle dance: the direction the bee moves in relation to the hive (denoted by the angle alpha here) indicates direction. If it moves vertically the direction to the source is directly towards the Sun. The duration of the waggle part of the dance signifies the distance. | Photo Credit: Audriusa, Emmanuel Boutet, Kilom691

Types of Honeybee Dances

  1. Waggle Dance:
    • Purpose: To communicate both the direction and distance of a resource.
    • Motion Pattern: The bees move in a figure-of-eight pattern. The straight section of this pattern, known as the waggle run, indicates the direction relative to the sun. The duration of the waggle run corresponds to the distance to the resource.
  2. Circle Dance:
    • Purpose: To communicate only the distance of a resource.
    • Motion Pattern: The bees move in a circular pattern, indicating that the resource is nearby, but not providing directional information.

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